Thursday, November 28, 2019
Women in Greece Essay Example
Women in Greece Essay The roles and status of women in ancient Greece are hard to asses since there is very little evidence from that period written or illustrated from a women’s perspective. Most literature and art from ancient Greece comes from men, thus making it hard to evaluate exactly what it was like to live has a women in those times. Sarah Pomeroy states in Goddesses, whores, wives and salves: women in classical antiquity the study of women in ancient literature is the study of mens views of women and cannot become anything else. . This viewpoint is supported by many scholars in as stated in Ideology and â€Å"the status of Women†in Ancient Greece by Marilyn Katz. (pg 79) Pomeroy also suggest that This indisputable fact about ancient sources -of material authored by women we have only the fragments of a few women poets -has even led recently to the recommendation that the study of women in antiquity be refocused away from literature to culture. Otherwise the study of women in ancient literature is the study of mens views of women and cannot become anything else. (pg 79 Ideology and â€Å"the status of Women†in Ancient Greece by Marilyn Katz. ) This notion that women did not write literature we assume that women were consider inferior to men, and what they had to say was irrelevant. This idea is also introduced by Pomeroy, The notion that texts authored by men represent a male point of view is widely shared. This idea, however, not only introduces an artificial distinction between text and cultur e, but also implicitly relegates women to an entirely passive role in patriarchal society. pg 79 Ideology and â€Å"the status of Women†in Ancient Greece by Marilyn Katz. ) Thus its important when using literature such as Homers epic as evidence of women’s role and status during that time period were are critical of the conclusions we draw. On the other hand there have been many assumption made of the role of women during ancient Greece from the evidence we do have. It was patricidal society in which women were consider property of the men in there lives, and were seen to serve one purpose; to produce heirs. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Greece specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Greece specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Greece specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Women had very little to no rights; they were unable to own land or participate in politics. They also hardly had freedoms, they were confided to there homes and company of other women, in some cases they even had separate corers from the men in which was hidden from visitors view. They were unable enter in public rooms or there own homes with male guest unless told to do so by the husbands. They did not choose who they married, the men in there lives made every decision for them in the best interest of the males and the family. Knowing what we do about women during this time in Greece, I’m going to use Homer’s epic the Odyssey to evaluate whether the way women were depicted in the literature is an accurate representation of the lives of women in this time. Homer is the composer of the Iliad and the Odyssey, he was viewed as the greatest poet, and his work influenced many poets after him. It is likely that Homer learned the poems from generations before him, which dedicated the poems orally. The epic are set in the age of the heroes, which is assumed to be roughly the end of the Greek Dark Age. Thus its important when contrasting the way women were depicted in the Odyssey, and the roles and status of women of that time, to ensure we use the knowledge of women in the dark age. This is important because the role of women, including there freedoms and rights can vary from period to period. Women were viewed as a males property, firstly as the property of there fathers and brothers, then transferred to the property of the husbands. Marriage, in reference to the procreation of children, was considered by the Greeks as a necessity enforced by their duties to the gods, to the state, and to their ancestors. Until a very late period, at least, no higher considerations attached to matrimony, nor was strong attachment a frequent cause of marriage (473). (pg74 Ideology and â€Å"the status of Women†in Ancient Greece by Marilyn Katz ) During the dark ages, Greece was broken up into the territories or oikos, each territory was lead by a basileus or a chief. Women were expected to bear and rear children, in order to increase the number of potential males that can help defend the territory in wars. (pg 17 Pomeroy ). All women who passed puberty, around the age of 16 were married off and all young women were destined for that. An example of this in the Odyssey, when odyssey first met Nausicaa, he expressed concern that she should find a husband and enjoy a harmonious marriage. (pg 17 Pomeroy. ) The importance of marriage is a central theme of the Odyssey, the poem also illustrates that women and men highly regarded being married as an important aspect of life. Odysseus states to Nausicaa â€Å"for nothing is better that, this, more steadfast than when two people, a men and his wide keep a harmonious household (6. 182-4) which shows that women were viewed by there husband more than just an means to produce an heir. However, some scholars criticize the odyssey view on marriage, Jacobs goes on to discuss Homer and Hesiod, characterizing the Odyssey as a love song to Penelope (234) Jacobs goes on to state that women were less respected and more restrained [than in the heroic era], and that the marriage relationship was less tender and endearing (pg74 Ideology and â€Å"the status of Women†in Ancient Greece by Marilyn Katz ) which indicates that marriage and relationship may have been different in the heroic era apposed to other time periods. Marriage could have been viewed as more than just a means to producing offspring, but also as a loving and endearing relationship. Its believed that during this time women were transfer like property from there fathers family to there husbands family with no regards for the women. Basically women did not have a choice who they were going to marry, there fathers or brothers would choice a husband for them to link powerful families, or choose the male who offered the most gifts. Nausicaa’s father try to marry her off to odyssus (7. 11-15) and Penelope’s father brothers urger her to marry the suitor who presented the most gifts. However Homer indicated that bother Nusicaa and Penelope would have some choices in the selection of there husbands. There were two types of marriages during this time, Patrimonial and Matrimonial. Patrimonial marriages existed when the suitor would bring his bride back to his house and territory. There children would belong to this territory and t he males would become warriors for there fathers territory. Penelope and Odysseus marries was of this form, she went to live with Odysseus in there Ithaka and there son Telemachos was considered a heir to his fathers throne, he also defended this territory when his father was away at war. In order for father who decide which suitor would take their daughters hand in marriage would depend on the wedding gifts exchanged on the day of the wedding. (pg17 pombrey) Matrimonial marriages exist when a warrior would marry a princess and settle down in her father’s kingdom. The male offspring of the couple would be considered warriors of the bride’s father’s territory. In addition the warrior would eventually inherit the brides’ fathers’ realm. In this case fathers often held athletic competitions in order to choice the suitor which is the strongest to marry his daughter. Odyssey participated in an athletic competition for Nausicaa’s hand and Penelope’s decide to marry the victor of the bow contest. The Homeric society reflect a strong partial values, over the behaviour of women may be less rigid than in some later Greek societies. (pg 25 Pombrey) Regardless of what freedoms women did have during this time its clearly they were not permitted the same sexual liberties as men. As shown above, marriage was an important aspect of greek life, thus it is not surprise that women’s reputation were prised possessions. Young women were expected not to take up friendship of men unless they were going to married. Nausikaa explains to Odyessus why she can not escorted him into town, to her parents palace â€Å"So they will speak and that would be scandal against me, and I myself would disapprove of a girl who acted so, that is without the good will of her dear father and mother making friends with a man before being formally married. (6, 285-289) Losing there virginity before marriage was frond a pond. This is why Nausicaa slept with handmaiden guarding her on either side of her bed. In addition Women were expected to remain loyal to there husbands, while the husbands could have affairs with other women and young males. Thus, Penelope and Nusicaa look the nesscary percausions to avoid becoming the subject of gossip. On the other hand the penalties of the loss of virginity were not so serve as later Greece. (pg 27 Pomeroy) The women charters of the Odyssey are depicted far from being passive; they are strong, powerful and dynamic individuals. (pg 51 women in ancient Greece) This is quite a contrast from what we believe women were like during this time, history shows women has being passive wives and mothers, with little to no rights or freedoms. In most cases wives were entrusted with the kingdoms when there husbands went off to the war of troy. Penelope was entrusted by Odysseus to look over Ithaca â€Å"I do not know if the god will spare me, or if I must be lost there in Troy; here let everything be in your charge. You must take thought for my father and mother here in our palace, as you do now or even more since I shall be absent. (18-265-268) Thus we could assume that when the men went off to war, and was absent from the palace, the wives were entrusted with a certain power to ensure everything ran smoothly. However as seen in the Odysseus, this period of time only last so long, then other men come in to take over, like seen with Penelope’s suitors. On the other hand there is an kingdom in the Odyssey which one may assume it is Matricraly society. The kingdom of Scheria, Queen Arete is seen to have a domient role over her husband. When Odyssus arrive in Scheria, Nausicaa and Athena advise him to go to the queen Arete instead of the king. Athene explain to odysseus â€Å"Arete and Alkinoos made her his wife, and gave her such pride of place as no other woman on earth is given of such women as are now alive and keep house for husbands. (7, 66-68) Athena goes on to advise Osyssues â€Å"For there is no good intelligence that she herself lacks. She dissolves quarrels, even among men, when she favors the,. So if she has thoughts in her mind that are friendly to you, then there is hope you can see your own people†(7 73-76) Nausikaa also advise Odsseys to go to the queen â€Å"But when you have disappeared inside the house and the courtyard, then go quickly across the hall until you come to my mother, and she will be sitting beside the hearth, in the firelight, turning sea-purple yarn on a distaff, a wonder to look at and leaning against the pillar, and her maids are sitting behind her; and there is my father’s chair of state, drawn close beside her, on which he sits when he drinks his wine like any immortal. Go pas him and then with your arms embrace our mother’s knees; do this, so as to behold your day of homecoming with happiness and speed, even if you live very far off. For if she has thoughts in her mind that are friendly to you then there is hope you can see your own people and come back to your strong-founded house, and to the land of your fathers. †(6, 303-3150) When odyessye goes to the Queen and does as Nausikaa and Athena advise him to do so, she responds by telling her husband to welcome him into the palace, and wine and dine him. Alkinoos does has his wife wishes, and welcomes Odyessus into his palace. Has shown here Queen Arete is highly view by her husband and given political authority by him. However, this portrait is filled with inconsistencies since there are no know examples were women would be highly regarded as Queen Arete. In addition Homer clearly shows that women were not regarded the same rights has men. For instance royal women and female slave would engage in similar tasks, where royal men would not work side by side with the slaves. For example Nausikaa goes down to the river with the maids to wash the laundry of the household. In addition Penelope may remain with the public rooms wit male guests without sandal. (pg 31 Pomeroy) This also shows that women may had more freedoms during this time period in Greece than later periods. Sue Bundell suggest in the Homeric world the boundary between the domestic and the political, between the private and the public, is not nearly so rigid. She goes on to say that the role of men and women overlap, which is why women can exercise some political power. On the other hand Penelope and Odysseus relationship does show how women were depending on there husbands. Penelope’s need for Odysseus and her feelings that she has been overwhelm by the suitors in her own home are expressed as being â€Å"shipwrecked sailor who has finally made it to dry land. (23, 233-240). Men were needed in order to maintain relationships with society, women were to protect and maintain the house hold. Sue states that a women’s role can never be anything other than subordinate when there husband is present. That â€Å"Odysseus the wanderer, and Penelope the guardian of the home, were to survive as potent symbols of gender difference, not just for later generations of Greeks but for peoples of many subsequent ages. †(pg 57) In addition, to the role of husband and wife representing a patriarchal society, the importance of sons in the eyes of both parents is a symbolic feature of patriarchal society. (pg 28 prombely) Penelope’s concern for Telemachos when he goes off on the dangerous journey shows how cherished her son is to her. She also devise a plan to protect her son from the suitors when she realizes that they were plotting against Telemachos. (16, 409-447) Furthermore when Odysseus arrives home to find the suitors planning to marry his wife and take over his kingdom by plotting against his sons life, he and Telemachos kill all of the suitors. On the other hand the importance of the heir to asset themselves, and take over there father’s land is also important in patriarchal society. Telemachos first assert his manhood by ordering Penelope from the public rooms of the palace and also indicating to the suitors his intention to assert his claim to his fathers throne. (pg 28 prombey) this is the part in the poem when the suitors start to change there intentions of taking over odysseys role of king, and began to claim they indented on taking Penelope back to there own palaces. Although the role and status of women during the dark period in Greece is not clearly represented in the Odyssey, there are many inconsistencies in the literature as we seen with Queen Arete, and the role Nausicaa and Penelope played in the choice of husbands. On the other hand Prombry feels as though â€Å"the dramatic importance and emotional influence of women should not at all be mistaken for evidence of there equality; the political power of even the queens of ancient Greece was a sometimes transient, nearly always a double-edged blessing. (pg 18) It is not clear whether Homer’s depiction of women reflect the attitude of Bonze Agee Greece towards women. (pg 22 Probley) Prombrey states â€Å"without a doubt there is no period in the Greek history for which our evidence of the experience of women in more fascinating or as contradictory†(pg 17)Nevertheless, in the Dark Age, as in later Greece women from birth to death were dependent and under the control of males. T his male-dominated society was clearly revealed in the poem. However, it is evident the women of this time did have more power and freedoms than later Greek periods, as they were entrusted with the power to run households while their husbands were gone to war, there right to be in public spaces, and there right to participate in festive and religious events. Although that is the extent to there rights, on the whole this was a patricidal society, in which the women we seen as inferior to men.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on A Comparitive Analysis Of Rock Music Of The 60s.
James Moody is a world-renowned saxophone player. He has played with many famous musicians, such as: Dizzy Gillespie and Miles Davis. In this past concert he played with Tim Jenkins on piano, Dwayne Dolphin on bass, and Roger Humphries on drums. This jazz band was the best I have ever seen. James Moody had very good improvisational skills on the three saxophones and even on the flute. On January 19, 1943, the oil refinery seaport of Port Arthur, Texas won the heavenly birth of rock and roll's first female superstar. Janis Joplin, the first child that was born to the Joplin family in a city and not on a farm (Joplin 26). She was idolized by the public, but her life was bent on self-destruction behind all the glamour and curtains of fame and stardom. But there was more to Janis than just lyrics and good entertainment on stage. Janis was a bright, precocious child with a winning smile and a manner about her that charmed people (Joplin 28). She was a child who liked people and she got the same treatment in return. She showed great respect for older individuals and went out of her way to help others. Everyone seemed to love young Janis. Her sister Laura looked up to her very much. They shared a special bond that some young people today have never experienced. Even though there was a six year age difference, they always got along great. Janis displayed an independence t hat pleased her parents when it showed her creativity and originality. Mom was quick to follow up on an interest expressed by her children, especially if it was artistic in nature (Joplin 29,36). Jimi Hendrix: Rock 'n' Roll Legend The extraordinary performances, recording, and lyrics of James Marshall Hendrix have made him impossible to forget. This American rock guitarist made a legendary mark. Not only in the history of rock 'n' roll, but also on pop culture as a whole (Mitchel1 32). With unique techniques never seen before and blatant sex-related performances on stage,... Free Essays on A Comparitive Analysis Of Rock Music Of The 60s. Free Essays on A Comparitive Analysis Of Rock Music Of The 60s. James Moody is a world-renowned saxophone player. He has played with many famous musicians, such as: Dizzy Gillespie and Miles Davis. In this past concert he played with Tim Jenkins on piano, Dwayne Dolphin on bass, and Roger Humphries on drums. This jazz band was the best I have ever seen. James Moody had very good improvisational skills on the three saxophones and even on the flute. On January 19, 1943, the oil refinery seaport of Port Arthur, Texas won the heavenly birth of rock and roll's first female superstar. Janis Joplin, the first child that was born to the Joplin family in a city and not on a farm (Joplin 26). She was idolized by the public, but her life was bent on self-destruction behind all the glamour and curtains of fame and stardom. But there was more to Janis than just lyrics and good entertainment on stage. Janis was a bright, precocious child with a winning smile and a manner about her that charmed people (Joplin 28). She was a child who liked people and she got the same treatment in return. She showed great respect for older individuals and went out of her way to help others. Everyone seemed to love young Janis. Her sister Laura looked up to her very much. They shared a special bond that some young people today have never experienced. Even though there was a six year age difference, they always got along great. Janis displayed an independence t hat pleased her parents when it showed her creativity and originality. Mom was quick to follow up on an interest expressed by her children, especially if it was artistic in nature (Joplin 29,36). Jimi Hendrix: Rock 'n' Roll Legend The extraordinary performances, recording, and lyrics of James Marshall Hendrix have made him impossible to forget. This American rock guitarist made a legendary mark. Not only in the history of rock 'n' roll, but also on pop culture as a whole (Mitchel1 32). With unique techniques never seen before and blatant sex-related performances on stage,...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hume's Philosophy about reason and Passion Essay
Hume's Philosophy about reason and Passion - Essay Example Hume’s philosophy about Reason & Passion David Hume was a historian & philosopher in the mid of 18th century from Scotland. Born on May 7, 1711 & died on August 25, 1776, Hume was one of the most important philosophers of that time & is regarded with many great western philosophers of modern times. He was famous for his philosophical ideas about human empiricism & skepticism. He purposed the ideas of passion that they drive human beings rather than logical reasoning or thinking. Hence he was a contemporary of Rene Descartes, a French philosopher of 17th century, who argued that human mind is a thinking thing & it follows the logical reasoning about everything. Hume was strongly opposed to this idea of presenting human minds & he tried to establish a new & natural science about psychology of human nature. In his famous publication â€Å"A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to introduce the experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects†, he argued that the real force which is responsible for all human activities is their desires or passions about something. Whenever anyone tends to pull towards something, it may be money or a loved one or anything else; he makes every possible chance to accomplish the goals. Reason cannot be wholly or completely the driving force, it is a part of passion or in Hume’s own words, â€Å"a slave of passions†. ... The knowledge which humans take by their experience helps them to decide what is right & what is wrong for them. In the lights of all these combined perceptions, anyone becomes able to find the right way towards success & achievements. He regarded passions as the treatment of free wills & emotions & that the moral ethics are based upon the feelings not upon the moral principles. According to him humans do not bother any kind of rules when it comes to a peculiar situation, neither they follow the logical reasoning according to the circumstances, but they follow their instincts & senses & behave accordingly. Unless the passion is not build on any false concepts, like such thing which do not have any existence, for example fear from ghosts or such things which usually don’t come in our way; it is the thing which determines what to do & what not. Hence passion can never be unreasonable since every person has his/her own logics to justify his/her passion about anything or anyone (H ume. 1739). Many scholars of that time harshly condemned this idea of Hume. They said that it is impossible not to have any kind of moral ethics or a set of rules described for the humans. In this way, any human being will do whatever he/she will want & the world will become a place where only desires are fulfilled at any cost. This also goes in the opposite way of religion since it addresses not to obey only passions but moral ethics & reasons determine one’s path to follow. They also claim the text to be very abstract & meaningless & as a combination of jumbled words. However, many scholars & philosophers of today’s time also consider his treatise a modern work in philosophy & name him as
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Traditional accounting pricing tools are not fit for the 21st century Essay
Traditional accounting pricing tools are not fit for the 21st century - Essay Example This paper illustrates that since the production of the goods had started the price has been a great matter of concern for both the sellers and buyers. The producers and sellers have been coming up with different pricing techniques and strategies that they found perfect in the scenario they are working. With the change in time and modernization of the society, it has become evident for the sellers to adopt new and better pricing strategies to compete well in market and keep up with the expected prices of consumers as the consumers are always having a wider choice of companies to buy the product that they want in most of the cases. Basically the accounting functions may help in price determination in this modern market place because the accounting functions allow record keeping of all business transactions making it possible to easily estimate the costs and then calculating the prices to be charged accordingly. Several pricing tools have been introduced for sellers and producers in or der to the prices for their products effectively. Accurate pricing is very important for each company in order to attain the long term profitability for the company. It is necessary that the objective of the pricing strategies adopted by a company should be a sign of the complete marketing plan of the company. A pricing strategy adopted by the company should be chosen in a way that it helps in maximizing the profits for the company by stabilizing the sales and attracting the potential customers in market. (Gitman 2003, 57). To determine the price of a product, it is greatly necessary for the company to take in account all the expenses made in the production of the good and that add up to the cost of production. The proper and complete consideration of the all the variable and fixed costs would allow the producer to decide over the right pricing strategy to be adopted also taking in consideration the market trends (Glueck 1980, 153). The producers then utilize the pricing tools in or der to determine the right price for their product. The key feature of any business is to determine efficient pricing strategy, which plays a vital role in order to make the customer perception about the business or product. There was an era when manufactures used to determine the price of the items and retailers simply had to follow it, differentiation would be dependent upon shopping experience, convenience, product range, ambience and quality of service of the retailers (Mankiw 2009, 69). The current market of today globally experiences several fluctuations due to which traditional financial models that used to develop keeping in mind specific variables which were not specifically viable. Hence in order to cope up with the modern requirements of the market and in order to cope up with the fluctuations and randomness of the market new concepts needs to emerge. It is often observed from the past that the changing requirements have forced experts to come up with the amendment in the existing models for financial calculation so that the environmental variables that are more significant would be included in the calculations and the variables that are not relevant or are not highly significant would be eliminated from the model. In order to study the effectiveness of the traditional accounting methods and the need of modern accounting method, it is important to analyze the environmental variables of the current market so that the current pricing strategy is appropriate (Ross, Westerfield, and Jordan 2009, 183). The traditional pricing methods are more focused on customers that are time oriented or money oriented where for some customer’s convenience is the most important factor and for others, price is the most important factor. Apart from these two customers there are some proportion of quality conscious customers as well who seek quality at any cost. The correct pricing strategy actually depends upon the nature of the product as
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23
Business Law - Essay Example In certain instances, there are likelihoods of laxity among people who feel inferior to others within the group. They would try to avoid assigned and prospective responsibilities by relying on the expertise and knowledge of others within the group. Furthermore, individuals associated with group thinking may lack confidence to defend their stands, ideas, and views if conflict exists with those of influential people within the group. Such people, usually, align and incline themselves to self-proclaimed leaders who deemed superior, and whom group members consider their decision as not only authoritative but of goodwill to the group. Jonestown’s case was no difference to group thinking scenario. The believer and followers of People’s Temple Full Gospel took an inferior profile to Jones, who misled them into believing even in the ideas not worth believing. They acted as though they had no independence of mind and thoughts; acting on impulse of hearsays, propagated by Jones to serve self-interest surrounded by malice and selfishness. Through social contagion and mass thinking, people of Jonestown had entrusted Jones with their property and valuables and made him the presumed controller of their property, children, and family members. Jones took advantage of the people’s inclination to group thinking and economically exploited the opportunity through his cult religion (Manning and Curtis 128). He recruited people whom he fooled with his fake miracles and testimonies. Many people made blinded decisions to join the church owing to influence and euphoria. The kind of trust Jonestown residents bestowed on Jones was overwhelming such that they found no reason to disregard his disguised assertions and calculated propaganda. Jones controlled the social lives of Jonestown and determined all dimensions of daily lives therein. He even controlled and determined what news broadcast
Friday, November 15, 2019
The historical and significance of Weber output
The historical and significance of Weber output The historical and significant of Weber output (Der Freischutz )in the romantic Germany Opera. The so called Camerata that first met in Florence in the 1580s arose in German Opera. On seventeenth century, Opera came in and dominated Germany. The development of Italy Opera, urged the singing and the performance arts by Italian skills, the delightful in neither show nor theatre brought acknowledge to the rest of Europe. Germany Opera are very much influenced by Italy Opera. Two major Opera composer of Germany, Beethoven and Weber learned from Italian composer and this is the continuous line on the opera development of Germany. ( Edward J.D 1976) During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Italian rival became a factor that Germany opera was struggling with it. Handel and Gluck elect opera seria as a foreign tradition work. Some composer tried to challenge the domination of Italian, Mozart sophisticated music evolved the simple singspiel, Weber create a unique Opera Der Freischutz which influence the romanticism. Wagner is the one to change the Germany Opera never to be the same, significantly great influence to the opera and the later composers. This few composers brought a strong operatic to European cultural. (Edward J.D 1976) Throughout seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the historically show the importance of opera was there. The musical expression of the opera is the main source of all. There are various definitions for Opera, for my thought, Opera is an art form, sung on the staged in magnificent costume, accompaniment of instrumentals lead the expressive music goes by. It is also device by human expression is made artistic, the equality of piece of music is the same as every poem, the duration and level difficulties of music, must contain emotional climax. Religious is a part of the scenery for opera, the characteristic of the type of opera we called â€Å"Romantic†. (Edward J.D 1976) Exaggeration is the romantic interpretation of older music, for example two different composers output would create a different technique and expressing. To play Bach 48 prelude, used of harpsichord which gives no variety of color and dynamic contrast, yet the beautiful and even expressive we can still played in the music. With another comparison, Weber output by playing without dynamic and experience, the eventually result will be lifeless; as Weber is a typical romantic composer, his outputs depends on his very existence upon intensification or exaggeration. (John D.D 1980) Germany Opera was being concerned when Vienna turn to be international operatic centre, at the mean time of Mozart striking but this is nothing to do with him. The long duration of development took Germany Opera to be well known due to unsatisfactory of libretto badly made. (John W 1976) The two major composers of Germany who wrote opera – Mozart and Hasse brought foreign repertory to the German Opera house. Both of them neglected the important of own country opera music. According to John Warrack, Mozart wrote opera in Italian but not German, hilarious part of Hasse, he never wrote German Opera at all. My thought thats was a major reason of local produce composer had neglected the very significant point which they could developed the opera of the country. Carl Maria Von Weber is a German composer and also the composer of Der Freischutz. He was a significant composer of the romantic school. Weber was influenced by Mozart in his early opera, but he had the sense of innovation and creating a new, distinctly German tradition. The German folk song melodies can be often attach in Webers music. Weber life was connected with his printed work, especially opera. Webers mastery of the orchestra was equaled in his time by Beethoven and Schubert. Weber composed for piano works, opera but he also wrote a quantity of religious music- Catholic Mass. Der Freischutzbecame one of the major influential development opera in Germany, not merely influence of the music but also later composer most likely to be German, for instance Wagner, Liszt, Mendelssohn and Chopin. He still remained a successful composer although he had arrested for debt and fraud and expelled from Wurttemberg. Barely touched by the wand of the magician Weber, the realistic and natural scene for the most German of melodramas assumes a grace and freshness a mystery even worthy of Shakespearian fantasy. CLAUDE DEBUSSY Der Freischutz was the creation of German life and wisdom, ancient but revives with new awareness and given new artistic growth. Der Freischutz translates as â€Å"the marksman†or â€Å"the free shooter†. This opera established a uniquely German form of opera under the influence of Romanticism. The opera contains three acts by Weber to a libretto by Friedrich kinds. The first sketch was on July 2nd 1817 and only complete until May 13th 1820. Instead of the original name Der Freischutz, the title Der Probeschuss ( The trial shot) was chosen, then Die Jagerbraut ( The Huntsmans Betrothed) but eventually the first title was restored by Bruhl ( Director of Berlin Theatre) who had accepted the opera production. For Weber, unparalleled triumph started on Der Freischutz. He breaks the 18th century overture style that consist suggestion of the motives that would follow. This innovation creating began his music career in the romanticism period of producing brilliant outputs. We ber assumed as a great master while his contemporaries have fallen into oblivion. Der Freischutz is still numerous in Germany and essential to the repertoire as Faust or Carmen. In our day now, Der Freischutz is rarely to be presented in other countries. In France and England, the demand works of Mozart and Wagner are more appreciate than Weber. The reason why Weber only alive in Germany because the national quality of Der Freischutz. The affection towards Germany was one irrational, mainly focus on childhood, children was taught to play the simpler tune of it, and was regarded as the most appropriate opera for children first time visit. It is the opera â€Å"for the people†and for the German people. This reason cause the non musician German felt Der Freischutz are simply insufferable if they are not enjoy the work thoroughly. In Weber Career, the important factor brought his music to another stage of written work because he was the modern equivalent of a court jester. He sa ng, played guitar and pianoforte, in this society, young noblemen should write lifeless poem about ladies, Weber put this into his music, the shape of lyric, the structure and musical style mixture of French and Italian Cadence. Weber always called upon to played, most often he did was improvise the popular opera of the day. On my opinion, extemporize could bring inspiration raise on music. We would not expect what will be creating later and this might surprised and became an innovation of a style. Weber became conductor in Dresden since 1817 and this changes make an emphasize focusing on development of German opera. The repertory that he conducted was only French and Italian opera was performed because there is no German opera worth to be performing beside Mozart and Beethoven outputs. For the last ten year operatic in Prague and Dresden, Weber repertories style was mainly influence by French work. (John.W 1991) The story is taken from German folklore and consists of supernatural elements. The opera begins with a shooting competition, Max; a forest ranger worried his poor for competition to marry his love Agathe, the daughter of the head ranger. Caspar tried tempting Max to sell his soul to Samiel, the â€Å"black hunter†to exchange for seven magic bullets which never fail to hit their mark. He now forfeit his soul and life to Samiel, to get free he has to find a victim to replace him. The bullets casting take place in the midnight in the Wolfs Glen. The following day, Max was asked to show his marksmans skills. He shoots a white dove which turns up to be Agathe, but because of the purity love of Agathe, the bullet wound Caspar instead of her which this action was diverted by Samiel. Casper life is to be claimed by Samiel. The miracle escape of Agathe and she was awarded to Maxs hand and bleesed by hermit after a year probation and being pardoned. Max live happily in the end of the s tory The story has a several moral theme, the symbol of love, innocent and kindness represent Agetha. The symbol of evil, battle for Max represents Casper and Samiel. The story takes place of everyday, supernatural and myth. The plot is not merely a history nor excellent story. Underlying the mighty and mysterious forces is at work. The character of story was interacted. The definition basic element in his story by key and exposition by instrumental color was convinced to Weber for this is sound as a framework and with his certify understanding of melody and of theatrical condition, his purposes was certainly right. By choosing the primary colors which to portraying his characters, he may also drain them from the delicacy, unpredicted and of the contradiction real human nature, but he was authorized to define them which a cheerful German nation found the thought of it own qualities. Maxs is a young and simple hunter, for all his weakness and his apt to pensiveness and fantasies, an open air figure, with loyalties; Agathe a mixture of Hausfrau, patient, contemplative, domestic, devout, faithful and a little insensitive; Aennchen the active, innocent, foolish but delightful and generous, all this to be decribe by the word Keck; Samiel and his agent Caspar the embodiment the dark and unfavorable in the origin German wood spirits; Huntsmen and Bridesmaid s, Killian and Cuno, villagers, the familiar natural life upon which the noblemen Ottokar imposes a human order and discipline that must in turn defer to spiritual order in the person of the Hermit, the Man of God. With Der Freischutz Weber succeeded the endeavor by bring the romantisicm into the theatre where failed by Tieck, Brentano, Schlegel, Arnim and Wener. (John D.D 1980) The development and conflict of the character surrounding his persons as actor-out of an ethical principle is not an interest of his. There full arrangement of leitmotiv, cooperation and developing the connection between idea and person was essentially a method to be represents Nature, pure heroine, lively character, well-meaning but misguided hero, hopeless villain, kindly prince, holy hermit were the characters themselves stay very close to long created Singspiel type. (John D.D 1980). The nature influence has no real origins in Singspiel, which by far the partially deal only with formal situation, but Rousseau-inspired sentiment of opera-comic and reaches Weber most presently by two major operas of the year 1816. Faust- The first real Romantic opera by Spohrs is a relatively undigested mixture of French influences; Weber admired even more on Hoffmanns Undine, input many idea of Romanticism into a pattern for opera- particularly, as was concerned as Der Freischutz was the affect of the spirit world on that of human. Undine was the first opera of its generation to set a text of real literate merit; Der Freischutz created inspiration and motivated for Hoffmanns famous attack on the closer combination of literary and musical quality. Weber idea of unity and his literary gifts was essentially a musician and libretto thought from the point of composer view as the combination elements should form. Ten years after without libretto, Weber attach the more enthusiastically on the subject that seemed ideal. Der Freischutz intended to bring out the natural outcome of the romantic rather than to revive the origin of music drama. For Weber music is used to present, reflect and express the mysterious action and magical in this opera. (John D.D 1980) Weber admitted the melodic of opera was arisen from folksong he studied. Der Freischutz wasnt the first opera to use folksong, but never before had folksong been so perfectly epitomized reflect German feeling. The Huntsmens chorus taken from German popular song books but its original derived from 18th century French street song â€Å"Malbrouk sen va ten guerre†. Its a resemblance of simple melodic. (Ex.1). It is not quotation or association which is the point, but the triumphant combination of dialect material into a work of art. Ex. 1 The Bridesmaids Chorus was derives from Volkstanz, Der Windmuller. (Ex.2). Tune from the village march is found on an actual primary still extant in country inns and fairs in Webers day Ex. 2 Weber create bright atmosphere and presence powerful French influence can be overlooked especially as this was an acceptable musical associate in the face of the Italian enemy. According to John Warrack, by realizing occurrence a few Mà ©hul extent of in the music exhibit Maxs melodic style. French style in his repertory work was carefully concentrated during his ten years operatic silence while conducting in Prague and Dresden. Through Mà ©hul to Dalayrac, appears the combination of music idea, perhaps even a single motion, with absolutely dramatic component in the opera. From French opera Weber also developed the Reminiscene Motive which, though by no means unfamiliar in German opera, had not reached the full dignity of Leitmotiv. Two structure devices were used in the opera key association and repetition melodic themes. Although singspiel structure was conventional used to separate speaking dialogue, the music is still underlying the whole meaning of the legend. Weber attached a diminished seventh chord, (Ex.3)a peculiar one when every time the evil spirit occurs. The shock of romantic horror destroyed the fresh and order global of the normal tonality. Weber emphasis its indefinable or ambiguous quality: the supernatural does not belong to a world of order and logical. The nicety of key association implied in these two themes. The C minor are consistently with such skilful modification as to be virtually a leitmotiv and there is of course the operas only true Leitmotiv, Samiel diminished seventh tonal pattern, with minor third interval leads to minor keys, in general connected with the power of supernatural evil. Ex.3 The external circle represents the positive and benevolent major key used in the opera. The inside circle is the used of minor key and be arranged each opposite was the relative major, Samiel diminished seventh was suggested to be a minor third relativity. (John D.D 1980) Maltese cross show the diminished seventh chord a – c – e flat – f flat. Weber did not use the key from b flat to c sharp when noted for the evil minor key. (Key in bracket): The segment show serious challenge to evil which most offer the major key. (Ex. 4) Ex. 4 . The battle take place mainly opposition between C minor and E flat major, A minor (the key of Maxs forebodings) and C major, F sharp minor (the framing key of the Wolfs Glen scene when the magic bullet are cast) and A major (the key in which Agathe and her companion Annchen sing of happy marriage at the beginning of Act Two. The most useful and main scene in Der Freischutz is wolfs glen scene and the overtune among the many musical number of qualities. The opera buffa and Singspiel occur as conventional the most tedious ensemble of plot and confusion at the end of second act of Wolfs Glen scene. Between eighteenth and nineteenth century romantic music drama, there is nothing could demonstrate the difference till Weber create a scene of supernatural horror, allocate at the rocky valley, surround with incantations and magic with supernatural phantom and sensational stage effects. All its materials have by now been interpreted; and indeed it is their close combination with the human character involved that raises the scene above the conventionally picturesque, the disturbed emotion has become the projection to the music, their most dismaying night dread. Webers genius mastery on instrumental sound empowers him to avoid the natural kind of simulated. The scheme melodrama of Wolfs Glen, Weber had himself stag e at Prague to be French despite this is a Czech melodrama, an unfamiliar characteristic in German opera; and there is generally the tendency, under the encouragement of the Dresden taste for description, towards impressive situation rather than development. Moreover, despite Webers unfavorably known aversion, in no way he was presented indifferent by what he called the â€Å"sweet poison from beyond the Alps†, most openly shown in the major solo and above all Agethes scene und Aria. The key analysis showed to hear and see the impressive scene and thrill. The strictly ordered of key structure exhibit the pictorial music on each supernatural. The experience and dynamic elements appear to decide the progress of the music. The domain key of the opera is F sharp minor. The main episode occurs in C minor: act of Samiel, the preparations, Maxs descent, the act of the last three bullets. Agathe appearance is the main point, resist to the episode of the scene and exhibit by Weber in C major. The entire of the scene is form in an arch-like way. Weber approaching the opera as an whole structured of music drama. (Ex.5) Ex.5 At the battle section, the strength of darkness fully developed into position. Astutely, Weber kept the appearance of Agathe redemptive until the menace has been decisively established; Act two goes up in Agathes house show a new world of feeling , nevertheless influence of evil shown at the engagement of Aennchen, hurting Agathe forehead when Cuno portrayed on the wall was fallen. A clear conflict shown in between two relations of Agathes earliest restraint and flowing 6/8 melody for Aennchen chattered happily away. The midpoint of the opera is when Agathe step forward for her aria, a significant knowledge of her nature. Regardless of the Italian influences, the mastery connection of episode was maintain together is thoroughly Weber own; as a skillful economy he meant. The opening of recitative presented a more about Agathe, from the clarinet played of gentle pensive opening, Agathe special instrument, magical stoke as she open the door into balcony, a modulation from E major, a seventh on G to a 6/4 F sharp key, Weber expressing the beauties of the starlit night.( Ex. 6) Ex. 6 In the German nation, Webers characters been rooted in local life and the folksong was the inspiration for his tunes and offered a powerful stimulus in the next stage of establishing their musical independence. (Edward J.D 1976) His incentive of his virtuosity include technical innovation, on Chopin and Liszt, brought variety narrative and dramatic element for the new musical, Berlioz and Mahler were much admired Weber mastery on orchestra instruments of producing new effects. Hardly a single major composer in the tradition failed to pay tribute to Weber. During his time, vividly awareness in which it was utter joy to be alive, Vividly aware of his times as a new dawn in which it was bliss to be alive, Weber was conscious for achieving a new individuality German music in the future. Indeed, he successes and brought the Romanticism to theatre (John W 1976) The successed of Der Freischutz created a developed in German opera house, and come across in the whole Europe with all size and length, this was one agitation incident of the operatic history. The successes not only merely impetus a progress in opera house but also for composer to achieve the ambitious with serious way to approach the Romantic opera or simply tension about missing a convention.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
industrial revolution Essay -- essays research papers
What factors helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth during the period from 1860-1900? America had a huge industrial revolution in the late 1800†s. Many changes happened to our great nation, which factored into this. The evidence clearly shows that advancements in new technology, a large wave of immigrants into our country and new views of our government, helped to promote America’s huge industrial growth from the period of 1860-1900. Advancements in new technology clearly promoted the industrial growth of the United States. The new technologies allowed business owners to reduce labor in the movement of materials from one point to the other. This occurred by using the new technology of railroads and machinery. Business owners used the railroads to transport their finished product and raw materials around the country more efficiently, which enabled businesses to expand. The business owners were now able to use machines for lifting materials from one floor to another and to use conveyer belts to move materials around on an assembly line. The use of machines is evident because the graph in document 5 clearly shows that American industrial and agricultural power sources between 1850 and 1900 changed. This is evident because in 1850, only 13% human power and 35% water and coal power was used, but in 1900 a mere 5% human power and a whopping 73% water and coal power was used. The use of machines more than doubled over t he course from 1850-1900, and the human output de...
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