Monday, December 30, 2019
The Great Gatsby and Great Expectations A Comparison...
Since the beginning of time, society has been separated into classes; the rulers and the ruled, the rich and the poor, the nobility and the common folk. One can find examples of social caste systems in any time period. Over time, social standards have changed, but one thing has not. Those who possess wealth are thought to also possess happiness. From the outside looking in, the common man always believes that the wealthy live happier lives. But two landmark authors portray a different story. Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations and F. Scot Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, both show that in order to be truly happy, one must reject superficial things, such as one’s position in the caste system of society, and pursue one’s true desires.†¦show more content†¦Carraway enjoys her company for superficial reasons: her fame, her beauty, her position in society. But as Carraway spends more time with Baker, he learns that she is dishonest and afraid on the ins ide. Fitzgerald shows Baker’s unhappiness when he writes, â€Å"â€Å"I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the demands of her hard, jaunty body†(Fitzgerald 58). Baker had to learn coping mechanisms when she was â€Å"very young†in order to achieve happiness in upper class society. Baker had to learn to be fake, to ignore her inner desires and tap into her superficial wants. Carraway takes note of this, and notices this similarity in many members of upper class society. Carraway fins that often the wealthy and famous members of society are either vastly unhappy, or learn to twist their perspectives to be happy. Over the course of the summer, Carraway realizes that many upper-class people possess unappealing qualities similar to Bakers’. At the end of the novel, when given a chance to continue his career as a New York bondsman or return home, Carraway chooses to return to the Middle-Western United States, to his home. He realizes that upper class society is composed of unhappy and superficial people. When given the choice, Carraway chooses to reject social class and pursue what makes him happy. When an individual is so concerned with social standing that heShow MoreRelated Comparison of Values in Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby919 Words  | 4 Pagespeople come into wealth and begin rising on the social ladder, they usually become corrupted, and compromise their personal values. In the novels, Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby, the protagonists, Pip and Jay Gatsby respectively, believe their wealth is used for the common good, but in reality many values are being compromised. Pip and Gatsby both utilize their money in an attempt to bring the women they love into their lives. 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Yet it is these techniques that give meaning to his work of fiction; how Fitzgerald states his ideas becomes more important than the ideas themselves. Poetic devices he uses are called litotes, which express a positive statementRead MoreThe Great Gatsby: Film and Novel Comparison Essay1469 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Gatsby: Film and Novel Comparison The Great Gatsby is a novel which critically discusses the ideals of the American Dream and recapturing the past. In the film adaptation, producer Jack Clayton stays very closely to the plot and even quotes the novel verbatim but fails to capture the essence of the themes portrayed in the novel. The text did not translate well into film; some facts are distorted, the depiction of the characters are different, the general ambience of certain settingsRead MoreThe Great Gatsby : Similarities And Comparisons1382 Words  | 6 PagesHani Abidi Honors American Lit. 12/8/2014 The Great Gatsby Similarities and Comparisons The Great Gatsby is an American Novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1925 and set in the summer of 1922 in the fictional towns of East and West Egg in Long Island, New York. The story is about the young and perplexing millionaire Jay Gatsby, and his obsession to win back the only girl he’d ever loved, a Southern debutante the name of Daisy Buchanan. Some themes in the novel include dedication, destructivenessRead MoreComparing The Death Of A Salesman And The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1259 Words  | 6 PagesAfter reading The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is clear that there are associations that can be made between the two novels. There are many ways in which the life of Willy Loman compares or contrasts with the life of Jay Gatsby. The most obvious and simplest comparison is their pursuit of the American Dream which leads to their ultimate downfall. Although, Willy and Gatsby contrast in the way they pursue the American dream, their storiesRead MoreComparison of Great Gatsby and Sonnets from the Portuguese Essay1420 Words  | 6 PagesHow does the treatment of similar content in The Great Gatsby and the prescribed poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning reflect changing values and perspectives? Throughout different time periods in history, perspectives change. With changing perspectives, artists and authors convey their feelings for particular social issues in varying ways through their texts. As the prescribed text, â€Å"The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the prescribed sonnets from â€Å"Sonnets from the Portuguese†by Elizabeth
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration - 738 Words
Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration 5 Running Head: Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration Impact of Rehabilitation Programs and Incarceration for Juvenile Offenders Discussing the Importance of Rehabilitation Program Introduction Juvenile offenders are increasing day by day regardless of the efforts to control the youth crime. It is important to understand the fact that even though the offenders fall in the young age bracket, they are still a part of human species. Human nature responds to violent actions with violent reactions. Violent reactions cause an increase in the violent actions instead of controlling them. However violent reactions may cause a temporary stop in the violent actions which may lead the authorities to believe that they have contained the crime. However, that doesnt stand true as a temporary stop does not result in a permanent solution. Currently to deal with juvenile offenders involved in the youth crime, there are two options available. The first option that prevails to a larger extent is known to us as incarceration while the second option that is slowly gaining trends is known to us as rehabilitation programs. This paper focuses on thorough analysis of both these options and the impact that they have on the offenders as well as the society as a whole. The paper also assesses the viability of these options in order to determine which of these will prove to be more effective and beneficial. Incarceration and Its AnalysisShow MoreRelatedThe Incarceration Of Rehabilitation Programs1319 Words  | 6 Pagesinstitutions have made rehabilitation a top priority. Recidivism, defined as the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend, has become a problem in the United States. One way to correct the recidivism problem, as well as other crime related problems, is rehabilitation. Criminal rehabilitation is meant to, in some way, correct criminal behavior. There are punishment types of rehabilitation as well correctional rehabilitation. Not all programs or practices of rehabilitation are effective. TheRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1661 Words  | 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Helen Olko October 1, 2012 Abstract The expectations that our society has for the criminal justice system is to punish and rehabilitate individuals who commit crime. Punishment and rehabilitation are also two of the four acknowledged objectives of the criminal justice system, with deterrence and incapacitation being the others. In the United States, punishment has always been the primary goal to achieve when dealingRead MorePunishment Versus Rehabilitation1513 Words  | 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Brenda A. Dove AJS/502 Version I September 10, 2012 John V. Baiamonte, Jr. Ph.D. Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. If an individual commits a crime serious enough to warrant incarceration, then the individual is sent to prison as a form of punishment. While incarceratedRead MoreJuvenile Crime Has Become More Valuable Members Of Society?938 Words  | 4 Pagescommon desire to reduce the incidence of juvenile crime and find effective legislation to discipline these youths, but there are questions about these methods. What is more effective, incarceration or rehabilitation? Does criminal punishment intimidate more youths away from a life of crime, and would productive rehabilitation efforts influence these youths to becoming more valuable members of society? The National Institute Justice states that juvenile crime rates have fallen over 55% than its peak inRead MoreCorrectional Rehabilitation Programs Of California Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesCorrectional Rehabilitation Programs of California Rehabilitation programs that are available in prisons are a vital key to reforming at least eight out of ten inmates back to a productive, healthy citizen and leader. For this very reason the law AB 900 was passed in 2007 and just to give you a brief summary of the bill it discussed the establishment of pilot programs to be developed by the Department of Corrections for counseling and substance abuse that will assist inmates with their successfulRead MorePrison Overcrowding And The United States994 Words  | 4 PagesPrison Overcrowding In the United States, there’s two types of incarcerations: jail vs prison and federal vs state. The key difference between all prison systems is the size, location, and quantity of inmates and the crime rate in each area. Overpopulation has been an issue for a while mainly because for the safety for the inmates, the Three Strike Law, and also, society feeling that rehabilitation isn’t what they want for convicted felons. In the future, the system of corrections should decreaseRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1678 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Punishment versus Rehabilitation Survey of Justice and Security - AJS/502 March 17, 2014 Arnold Wicker  Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. Punishment is defined as a penalty that is imposed on an individual for doing something wrong. The term rehabilitation is defined as a way to help somebodyRead MoreTension between Rehabilitation and Punishment in an Incarceration Setting653 Words  | 3 PagesEssay Discussing Discuss: The tension between rehabilitation and punishment in an incarceration setting. What happens when one is emphasized over the other? Is it possible to strike a balance? The tension between rehabilitation and punishment has been increasing dramatically. This is because there have been sharp rises in the prison population and repeat offender rates. When one area is over emphasized in relation to the other, there is the possibility that imbalances will occur. Over the courseRead MoreThe Debate Of Rehabilitation Vs. Reparation948 Words  | 4 Pagesin the United States prison system is the debate of rehabilitation vs. reparation. Reparation involves strictly punishing the prisoner for their crime. On the other hand, rehabilitation aims to â€Å"fix†the prisoner for a potential eventual return to society. Ethically, reform makes more sense than reparation, as it aims to make the prisoner more useful to society, while increasing the overall safety of the society. A strong rehabilitation program would additionally cut down the number of repeat offendersRead MoreHistory Of The South Carolina Department Of Corrections1301 Words  | 6 Pagesme dium security, minimum security, and community-based, pre-release work centers (a division of minimum security). The difference between each of the levels involves types of housing, length of sentences, and behavioral distinctions (e.g. nonviolent vs. violent crimes). Level 3, or high security, facilities house inmates with longer sentences as well as violent or behavioral issues. Inmates are closely supervised and their activities are restricted more than any other level. Level 2 facilities operate
Saturday, December 14, 2019
How to Effectively Manage Leadership Free Essays
string(132) " personnel and facilities such as offices, equipment and tools and modern technology to achieve the objectives of the organization\." How to Effectively Manage Leadership [H. D. Williams] [Touro University Worldwide] Executive Summary The paper identifies the key points that Peter Topping has discussed in his book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Effectively Manage Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now This book is a guide for those who needs to build an effective leadership strategy. As Peter says that the management process involves the formulation of effective management systems right process for their application, have the right people with the right qualifications to manage and continuously improve systems to adapt to changing work environment. The major theme underlie in the book is that the managerial competence is necessary for laying the foundation for a very successful and flourishing career, however, it is a fact that demonstrated leadership skills are important to push the leader up to the organizational ladder and goals How to Effectively Manage Leadership Introduction The leadership is a feature of any organization, the axis motor of the same. It is therefore important that any person that performs in the business develop leadership skills. According to Allen, (2008) the leader is the people comprising the action, who converts followers into leaders and who can become agents of change. Leadership ability has been identified as one of the central features determinants of successful staff. In this sense, the modern world requires all those who fulfill tasks in the business sector, to be the leaders, because leadership is the key to successful and improving organizations (Allen, 2008). About The Book The book which needs to be analyzed in this project is â€Å"Managerial Leadership†written by Peter Topping. Thus, the book has identified a number of facts which can be helpful as guidance for effective leadership. It is a fact that effective management in the new millennium of competitive business environment needs a solid and efficient leadership skills for which the companies lacks to provide adequate training and development. There is a need for the Frameworks and top leadership tools for assessing leadership techniques, strengths for handling growth and change and thus, leads to make managerial leadership a veritable learning laboratory (Topping, 2001). Thesis statement The paper identifies how Peter has discussed The Role of effective management prevailing in competitive business environment in his book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†. Discussion and Analysis The book identifies a number of elements which is necessary for manage an effective management strategy. Thus, Leadership can be broadly defined as the process of inspiring, coordinating, directing, mentoring and motivating, individuals, groups of individuals, organizations, societies, or nations toward achieving goals or results. Such a simple definition hides the reality that leadership as a concept is rife with complexity and debate (Allio, 2005). More important, leadership as a field of study is vast and can be a daunting domain of study for newcomers to the field. Part of the challenge for people studying and researching leadership is the high volume of leadership theories and perspectives available (Buus, 2005). Leadership in the new economy with its constant changes required to have an ability to adapt to new emerging business model, maintaining constancy of purpose and core values. This ability increases if the leaders make deliberate choices consistent with the values and beliefs of the company. Therefore, today’s struggling economy is in need of an effective leadership development strategy (Buus, 2005). A simple search of the word leadership will yield several thousand articles and publications on leadership written by academic scholars. As such, any attempt to define and summarize leadership will be a complex endeavor that will never fully capture and account for the concept of leadership. The aim of this encyclopedic entry, therefore, is to provide a general overview of leadership specific to organization studies for the novice reader. Major Theme The major theme underlie in the book is that the managerial competence is necessary for laying the foundation for a very successful and flourishing career, however, it is a fact that demonstrated leadership skills are important to push the leader up to the organizational ladder and goals (Topping, 2001). Based in part on Dr. Peter Topping’s experience as managing director of the Goizueta Institute for Corporate Learning and Research, a cross-disciplinary think tank created to advance the cause of leaders and leadership, this challenging and illuminating book provides: †¢ A proven, four-tiered approach to becoming a more effective leader †¢ Tools for developing coaching, teaching, and mentoring skills †¢ Methods to determine and strengthen effective leadership behaviors Management process is to take care of your business processes in the best possible way to improve performance. The management process involves the formulation of effective management systems right process for their application, have the right people with the right qualifications to manage and continuously improve systems to adapt to changing work environments (Topping, 2001). While it may be true that managers facilitate while leaders initiate, both skills remain valuable in today’s workplace. Thus, from Managerial Leadership we find how to combine management and leadership into a dynamic approach for demonstrating effective leadership in any company or industry. Leadership Development Numerous studies have led to the same conclusion i. e. organizations that invest in leadership development are more effective than organizations that do not. Periods of economic instability only intensifies this effect. The latest study shows that all companies that have successfully gone through times of crisis have a clear strategy for leadership development. Investments, especially in a crisis, not only recovered but also brought profits. Research shows that the companies believe that it is more important to invest in the development of leadership in times of recession. Such companies not only survived but became stronger than their competitors. Studies show that investments in leadership development can: †¢ Improve the financial performance of companies †¢ Contribute to attracting and retaining talent †¢ Stimulate the development and maintenance of culture results (performance culture) †¢ Increase the agility of organizations (Topping, 2001). Effective Management Process management can effectively transform your business from failure to success in a short time. This means that you make good use of available resources in the organization such as money, personnel and facilities such as offices, equipment and tools and modern technology to achieve the objectives of the organization. You read "How to Effectively Manage Leadership" in category "Essay examples" Knowledge is also something very important for an organization and must be well managed through effective process management. Effective process management will manifest through a business has improved, increased profits, satisfied customers, motivated employees, willing to go extra miles and improve their skills and a new workplace business (Allio, 2005). Thus, important features to be identified are as under: Instruments to ensure effective management Protected areas are instruments to achieve the objectives of nature conservation. As such instruments require human, material and financial resources, and procedures to achieve their goals. To improve the means and processes to achieve effective management, will develop six lines of work. Adequacy of management structures Success in meeting the objectives for declaring protected areas depends on many factors, some internal systems themselves nature conservation and many other external. The adequacy of the management structures of the areas and systems of protected areas is the basis for effectively achieving its goals. Quality Management for Conservation The nature conservation is a priority of the protected natural areas. As the active management progresses, it becomes necessary to develop tools to improve information sharing, standardize procedures, and evaluate the effectiveness of actions. Quality management of public use and tourism Progress has been made n improving the quality of public use and tourism in protected areas (two good examples are the Q for quality of services offered to visitors, and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism as a joint project between managers and tourism professionals). There are several manuals to guide and establish benchmarks for the management of public use. It is time to consolidate and improve where necessary, the quality of these services (Topping, 2001). Quality management for economic development The integration of socio-economic development objectives of protected areas has progressed over the years through the implementation of development plans and implementation of initiatives with the business of the territory as marks of quality products and services associated to the parks. According to Peter, the laws of rural development and biodiversity provide a favorable scenario to promote good development practices in terms of sustainability. Evaluation of Management Effectiveness Protected areas are incorporating monitoring as an essential part of evaluating the effectiveness of management and the systematic collection of information and outreach through management reports. Leadership and Management Leadership as a concept in its broadest sense refers in essence to the one that brought forward the fundamental in the governance process and then, there is overlap between the concept of leadership and management. Thus, as the first is one of the components of the administrative process as several other elements of which (organization, planning, implementation and monitoring and follow-up). They also overlaps the other hand, comes in the context of the similarity in performance since both of them refers to the organization of group activity to achieve certain goals, as well as from that, the success of management is linked to a large extent the nature of leadership so the need for management capacity and presidents of qualified people with learning and creativity does not almost equivalent (Topping, 2001). The relationship management leadership management is not one year to the private, but it lies in the nature of each of the term management refers more to the policies, procedures and organizational tructure of any aspects of the technical and organizational while the driving means in particular profile of any humanitarian and short, that the administration is broader than leadership that is driving to one of the functions and tasks of management Developing Talent According to Peter, talent is now considered a competitive advantage: it is what differentiates successful companies from the rest. The task then is to identify: What is the talent of their workers? Talent is an asset to be managed effectively if you want to succeed in the market and also remain in the right place at the right time (Buus, 2005). While it is intangible, this is achieved by workers’ performance and superior results that some of them, with great effort, manage to achieve. Talent is a strategic asset (scarce, valuable and unique) to be managed appropriately in the context of corporate strategy. Organizations can develop talent through: †¢ Design jobs, positions and business roles from the competencies and skills that are required in order to get the most out of it. †¢ Focus on developing leadership talent †¢ Motivate employees constantly Train your employees on the latest techniques, technologies and working methods †¢ Place employees in working jobs suited to their skills and competencies (Allio, pp: 1071-7). These practices are an outstanding for the leadership growth and can be used in leadership growth programs in various organizations. The ability of leaders is becoming scarce therefore; developing individuals internally is becoming more and more significant (Allio, 2005). Accordi ng to Peter, there are many leadership practices that work as guidelines and can be incorporated in an organization to achieve success. Some of them include: Strong executive engagement, tailored leadership competencies, alignment with business strategy, target all levels of leadership, apply a comprehensive and ongoing approach and integrate with talent management (Topping, 2001). Other than these practices a leader may establish his own practices that may help him in achieving organizational goals. Conclusion Leadership growth is best planned and enforced when it takes place as a procedure implanted inside the organizational policy. This has significances for both the invention of â€Å"plans†and â€Å"procedures†(i. e. , numerous stages, numerous learning skills, constantly retreating to the requirements of the business). A leader is not born overnight. Often it takes time for an individual to become a leader, and even after evolving a leader there is more to learn in alignment to become a productive leader. Leading by example is a mighty procedure. Leaders must possess the qualities they are seeking to incorporate into their team (Topping, 2001). Rather than understanding leadership as a position or an inherent trait, leadership is understood as an activity or process that involves the development of certain skills or capacities. While leadership differs in many ways from management, it is imperative that both functions exist and complement one another. Leadership is ultimately what will lead to innovation and positive change, and management assists in this process. To address the complex and adaptive challenges our society is facing today and will face in the future, we must find new ways to view leadership and engage in leadership in our organizations. Thus, through the book â€Å"Managerial Leadership†, one can get the guide, strategies and tools that is required for implementing and cultivating a string and successful leadership organization and therefore, lead to develop one’s own valuable leadership efficiency and effectiveness (Topping, 2001). References Allen, S. , Hartman, N. (2008), â€Å"Leadership development: an exploration of sources of learning†, Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 73 No. 1, pp. 10-62. Allio, R. J. (2005), â€Å"Leadership development: teaching versus learning†, Management Decision, Vol. 3 No. 7/8, pp. 1071-7. Burke, V. , Collins, D. (2005), â€Å"Optimizing the effects of leadership development programmers†, Management Decision, Vol. 43 No. 7/8, pp. 975-87. Buus, I. (2005), â€Å"The evolution of leadership development: challenges and best practice†, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 37 No. 4/5, pp. 185-8. Peter A. Topping, (2001), Managerial Leadership, Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (December 26, 2001), ISBN-13: 978-0071375238 Yukl, G. A. (2006), Leadership in Organizations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. How to cite How to Effectively Manage Leadership, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance
Question: Discuss about the Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance. Answer: Introduction: The problem domain for this project is web development. The project focuses on developing a blog and blog entries that focus on SEO. As an emerging technology, SEO is the main factor influencing that affect web ranking and web traffic received in many websites. SEO is a core web strategy that has been adopted by many companies including ecommerce companies. Through SEO, websites gain more visibility and can be visited by many people (Parikh, 2013). In this project, a blog will be developed to inform SEO enthusiasts and experts about SEO techniques such as social media marketing, content curation, back linking, on-page optimization, and others. Methodology The research methodology in this project requires gathering relevant data from the stakeholders in order to analyze the material and get a complete understanding of the project requirements. The methodology focuses on shedding light on the scope of the project work and the key requirements defining project milestones. The project will utilize quantitative data collection tools that focus on obtaining specific data related to expectations and needs of the stakeholders. Additionally, it emphasizes on building a relation between stakeholder expectations and the project requirements. Research and System Development Method The project will be implemented with an agile development method to minimize the risk of project delays. The blog will be developed in iterations lasting several days which will include all tasks essential in releasing an increment of new functionality. While an iteration may not be enough to complete a particular functionality, the project will be capable of releasing a new addition to existing functionality after every iteration. The agile method used in the project emphasize on including all project team members in finishing the blog (Nerur, 2007). The functionality of the blog and the number of blog entries will be the primary measure of the project progress. Data collection methods The project will involve various data collection methods in stakeholder analysis. The methods used include one-on-one interviews and focus group discussion. In one-on-one interviews, stakeholders including project sponsor will be interviewed to obtain information essential in the analysis. The interview will focus on project activities and objective. Focus group discussion will involve inviting project stakeholders to give their opinions on project objectives. In the discussion, each participant will contribute by giving their opinions and participants will not only concur or agree but also focus on building opinions expressed. Ethical Issues The main ethical issue in this project is content plagiarism. Content curation is part of the project which will involve creating blog entries on SEO. Plagiarism in any creative work is an ethical issue which can adversely affect the project in terms of delays. To mitigate the risks associated with this issue, the blog entries created as part of the project will be checked for plagiarism before they are published. Additionally, the blog entries will be referenced and quoted if external sources used in developing the blog content. Compliance Requirements The blog created will have to meet all the requirements in web accessibility legislation. This regulation requires websites to adopt practices that improve access to websites for people with disabilities such as people who are visually impaired (Rutter, 2007). As such, the project will have to follow all web accessibility principles to increase the usability of the blog and give all users equal access to information published. Some of the guidelines followed in the project include web content accessibility guidelines. Analysis of Data Relevant collected from the project stakeholders will be analyzed to identify functional and non-functional requirements for the project. Data collected will be analyzed based on the scope of the project to indicate the stakeholder expectations and develop project milestones to be achieved. Additionally, project objectives and tasks will be developed from the data analyzed. Deliverables The following are the deliverables that will be achieved at the end of the project: Functional blog that meets stakeholders expectations Responsive blog that is usable and accessible to all types of users Blog includes several blog posts focusing on SEO Software tools The project will primarily use WordPress as the platform for building the blog. Wordpress will be used to add a theme to the blog, enhance functionality, and increase the usability of the blog. The blog will include various WordPress features such as plugins to enhance its functionality and outlook. Conclusion The project objectives will be realized once all tasks defined are completed. The expected duration of the project is 29 days. During project implementation, the progress of the project will be evaluated based on the milestones achieved. A continuous assessment of project tasks will be conducted to ensure they are completed within the allocated timeframe. Additionally, the project manager will coordinate with the team members to address any issues that may arise during the project. Recommendations The project team can adopt a rapid application development model which will involve closely cooperating with all the stakeholders including project sponsor throughout the project lifecycle. Under this model, the team can show the project sponsor a prototype of the blog after completion of every phase. Work breakdown Structure Task Name Responsibility 1. Project Planning Project Manager 1.1 Requirements Gathering 1.2 Schedule Development 2. User Interface Design Front-end Developer 2.1 Selecting Wordpress Theme 2.2 Installing Wordpress Theme 2.3 Customizing Theme 3. Functionality Configuration Back-end developer 3.1 Select and Install Wordpress Plugins 3.2 Configure Plugins 4. Content Curation Copywriter 4.1 Develop Content Schedule 4.2 SEO Copywriting Risk Analysis Risk Description Probability (1=low,5=high) Impact (1=low,5=high) Rank Price of theme is too high 2 2 5 Unable to find skillful wordpress developers 1 5 1 Developers are not on time 3 4 3 Project Manager does not have enough experience 4 4 2 Prototype fails to meet expectations 4 3 4 References Nerur, S., Balijepally, V. (2007). Theoretical reflections on agile development methodologies.Communications of the ACM,50(3), 79-83. Parikh, A., Deshmukh, S. (2013, November). Search Engine Optimization. InInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Technology(Vol. 2, No. 11 (November-2013)). ESRSA Publications. Rutter, R., Lauke, P. H., Waddell, C., Thatcher, J., Henry, S. L., Lawson, B., ... Urban, M. (2007).Web accessibility: Web standards and regulatory compliance. Apress.
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